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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Cool climes due later

The cool season will set in slightly later than normal in the third week of this month but it will be generally colder than usual, according to the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD).
The cool weather will begin towards the end of the third week of the month and will last until the end of February, the TMD said yesterday. The start of the season comes a little later than usual, it noted.
The mercury is forecast to drop to the lowest point of between 6-8C in the upper North and upper Northeast.
In Bangkok, the temperature is expected to dip to the lowest point of between 16-18C and the surrounding provinces to between 14-16C.
The coolest temperatures will be experienced from early December to January, according to the TMD. Cool temperatures will also be felt in parts of the South, particularly in the upper section of the region.
Heavy rainfall is predicted over the eastern coast between November and December, with possible flash floods.
Tropical storms may be brewing from next month to December. These could move towards the Gulf of Thailand and the South, bringing heavy downpours and gusty winds to coastal communities.
Thunderstorms, strong winds and possible hail may also occur in the upper North in January and February.
